My Viewpoint of Education

v Always
consider treating every students with respect
v Treat students equally and give every student the
opportunity to achieve on their own when being successful
v Having fun/interesting activities in a group setting can
provide students the skills to learn with other and enhance their communication
v Remember every student should be treated fairly which can be
achieved through classroom management practices or with grading procedures.
Students need to understand that your effect shows throughout your work.
v Integrating technology by adapting it to the curriculum for
students to relate to realistic world situations to promote diversity for
cultural backgrounds.
v Learning students likes and dislikes can promote growth, to
enhance their strengths and recognize their weaknesses for a comfortable
learning environment.
v Having students participate in the learning and having them
voice their opinions inside the classroom about the lesson can enhance their
communication and social skills.
v Having constructivist learning for students to take
responsibility for their own learning and build on their previous knowledge.
v Promote group work amongst students to adopt lifelong skills
to use in their daily life.
v Having cross-curricular lessons using technology to approach
knowledge and understanding for every subject area.
v Using positive reinforcement to promote positive behaviors
can decrease the negativity inside classroom management practices.
v Using games to help students understand the lesson by having
fun well learning can help students stay involved by not realizing they are
v Just keep a positive learning environment inside/outside the
classroom can help student learn how to keep a positive attitude in learning.